Saturday, June 15, 2013

The options of an entrepreneur

At the time of launch, and if we simplify the matter, any entrepreneur who begins to take its first steps have three options: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The Good

"The Good", and I call it that because to me it's ideal for someone who jumps into the pool for the first time, is to do something today and put it on web design sale yesterday. Do something, put a price and sell it soon.

As soon as I've moved around a bit and you're earning your first euros, returns to the first step and make another product. Or iterate over it to generate even more money.

Simple as that. Create a complete product in the shortest time possible, and sell it on the internet. Almost any thing you better.

There are many options as you have imagination.

Have you heard the word "passive incoming"? Fashion takes several years. Any of the products I mentioned can become an incoming passive. It is simply a product put on sale, and while working in the following, the former is generating profit.

If you insist on those mechanics (creating new product while selling above) the snowball will grow, and while old products will decline over time, if you make a graphic web design campaign mode, you will see that consistently taking incremental revenues remaining can make living very, very, good.

Did not you do in school business selling copies of the Ninja Turtles? (Truthful in my case, I just put up my sister to draw monsters sheets then photocopied and sold). For "The Well" is almost the same.

Some details to consider:

The product that you make, you have to be a finished product, or at least a beta worth paying to use.
It is better to get something in 3 months that is not quite perfect and then iterate over it. They take 6 months out perfect. "Perfect" is very relative. It will be perfect for you ... but it would be much better to have taken three months before and three months be iterating over it, getting constant feedback from users, be they who marked the course of the release.

Put on a very strict development time and is the shortest possible time.
If you calculate development time is greater than 6 months, think a lot. Ideally, something that could be completed in three months. At least it is the first time you go to sell something.
If you start, you finish it. "Do it, or do not, but do not try".

With "The Good" may not make you a billionaire web design, but if you can give for a very decent salary. In addition, you are continually making new projects and getting new ideas. This option is very entertaining.

What are you doing still reading this! Go do it!

The Ugly

Another option, "The Ugly", very handy when a startup is trying to "El Malo" work and lacks liquidity (or at least that is our case), is to work for others. That is, web design and development, mobile applications, etc. ... all those things which fortunately or unfortunately offer in Cokidoo.

Okay, feeds, but it seems too work in a company with a salary ... or as my partner Ivan ... worse! At least if you work in a company as a graphic designer employee not have to worry about whether the company is good or bad, or whether more or fewer customers come ... and is the head for that!

But if you start doing work for others, suddenly your concerns universe will be filled with:

Assuming you do not want to work in a company with a salary, but you want to be your own boss and develop your own ideas, this option can allow you endure during a season in which "The Good" or "The Poor "do not get to eat, but eventually, it will only burn.

Okay, there are exceptions. There are freelancers who live happy doing this and do very well ... but it sure would be happier if they had achieved what Envato, that starting a blog for freelancers have finished creating marketplaces, blog networks and literally shoving tutorials.

Dribbble cargadito freelancers should be very happy doing their thing, but when a client pinches, fixed many of them prefer to take extra hours working on a project of their own to invest them in a client.

The Bad

"The Bad" is that project investors are tired of seeing, but on the other hand is the only one worth investing, because in the long run could be a hit.

It is a project that will need a lot of your time and at least two or three years to start being profitable, if it ever is. Time during which your choices are reduced to seek funding, which will have one or two years for your team secured if the first round of investment is minimally decent web design ... or tighten your belt and go drinking with "The Ugly". That is, work on your project while for others ... when customers squeeze on supplies at the same time try to bring up your own project, I assure you from experience, it is hard.

I call it "The Bad" because so few succeed with this model. Very few social networks or communities become profitable, if not almost none.

However, if you are unsure what you are selling, and not based on mere advertising (generating traffic and expect to make money with affiliate advertising or too hard), can you get it right. To companies like agoda, Privalia or Buyvip not have before starting categorized as "El Malo". Those companies from day one had something to sell, and then we had to worry about generating visits and community to sell even more. It is very different from for example make a website or community as useful content and then try to make money with advertising or affiliate. Erasmusu milk is about community, visits and page views is concerned ... but it has not been an easy start to be profitable.

And if looking for investment because you do not want to waste time working for others and want to focus entirely on your project, let alone invest in an idea ... at least you will have a prototype ... and a good "exit plan", which translates into the language of Cervantes or what the investor sees in his mind is: "How am I going to get posh paste this matter?". Remember, the investor may motivate just about your project, but what he wants, is to make money. Nothing more, nothing less. So if you do not see clearly what you sell, who are you going to sell and how you sell it ... forget it! Besides, I know people who have been year and a half just looking for funding ... not easy!

With "The bad" I mean it to projects by themselves, do not sell anything concrete, and need a lot of visits to develop business models around them and start being profitable. I mean social networks, online communities, forums and more.

Eye! Any Envato marketplace has a web design community and forums behind. But I do not mean this kind of community. This community is there to buy or create new products and began first as a marketplace, then as a community.

In contrast to "The Bad" is "The Good". If you do a theme for Themeforest today and you get put on sale ... for the next week you'll be taking your first income and the snowball will start rolling.

"The Well" could also become a hit worthy of an investor had put pasta ... for example this Iphone game made by one person must have generated a lot of money. But usually the products you think, if you choose the option of "The Well" you get a very good salary, but do not attract any investors ... and who needs them?

Sure is, if you get it right, "The Bad" is there that can make you rich, very rich. As I've gone to Twitter, Facebook, etc.. I do not wanna be the one to disappoint you!

But still, even this possibility exists, it is best to start with "The Good", for at least two years web design, because you will learn much in the way and you can use later to risk on "your great project."